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Career Scope In Environmental Science - Job Opportunities, Salary, Courses


We know that Environmental Science studies climate changes, soil and water, conservation of energy, and all methods that deal with controlling pollution such as air, water, and soil. In this article, we will discuss the Career Scope in Environmental Science, Job Opportunities, Salary, and courses. 


Importance of Environmental Science

It helps in understanding the impacts of modern development on our environment and also plays an important role in discovering sustainable ways of Living. The study of this field also helps in utilizing our natural resources and learning and creating awareness about environmental problems at all levels. 

Career Opportunities

The career in this field is quite vast. It provides work opportunities in many reputed government organizations and provides jobs in the private sector as well. It helps in starting our own NGO or Business. 

Scope in Environmental Science

Environmental Science has a very wide scope. After completing higher degrees like MSC, ME, / M. Tech, or Ph. D. we can work as Independent environmental consultants and can also work for any consultancy. 

It also provides working opportunities in NGOs like WWF, Peace, CSE Delhi, and many more. We can also join many reputed National and International agencies like SPCB, State EIA, WHO, and many more. We can also work as Project Assistants for different projects in reputed Universities and Government Research Organizations. 

Courses Available

There are various courses available in this field which are as follows:-

1.Certificate Course 

Certificate Course in Environmental Science

Certificate in Environmental Studies. 

2. Diploma Course 

Diploma in Environmental Science

Diploma in Environmental Law

Diploma in Environment Protection. 

3.  Bachelor Courses

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Bachelor of Environmental Management

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Water Management. 

4. Master level Courses

Master of Philosophy in Environmental Science

Master of Science in Environment Management

Post Graduate Diploma in Environment. 

5. Ph. D. Courses 

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science

Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science.