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Best Hair Colors For Men With Dark Skin Tone in 2021


Dark and Handsome is back in the rule! And well, coloring one’s hair is a new trend. Now, how can we make them go hand in hand? You can find it out as we will reveal the hair colors that look best on dark skin tone. Finding the right hair color with a dark skin can be quite tiresome, to be honest. So be sure to pay attention to this article since awkwardly paired colors of hair and skin can undercut one’s personality quite a lot!

Best Hair Colors For Men With Dark Skin Tone in 2021

To begin with, let me make it clear to you that just because you have a dark skin tone doesn’t necessarily mean that all that we are going to talk about in this article applies to you too. This is only to be used as a general guide. In the end, it always comes down to how well you pull off whatever you’re carrying.

Now, let’s talk about hair colors that look best on dark skin tone. Usually, a warmer highlight with darker tones goes best. You may also try out warmer colors somewhere around honey-hue or dark red. And if you already have dark hair, you might want to try some shade closer to your natural hair color. It makes the transition smoother; Balayage is also a very good option if you are considering coloring your entire hair.  

Here are 5 best hair colors that look good on dark skin tone men:

  1. Plum Cherry:

This is a very unusual hair color option to choose. Not only does it give a person a standout feature on its own, but if complemented well with a suitable stubble and attire, it adds immensely to your boldness. Wavy medium length hairstyles are recommended for this shade of hair. Not only does it look awfully charming on a dark skin, but also extremely compliments a well-structured and defined stubble style.

  1. Golden Hue Blonde:

This adds a very impressive undertone to your presence and is one of the most polished hair colors that look best on dark skin tone. It comes with sterling golden highlights which look great in layered hair styles, especially if short-medium undercut or textured medium length.

  1. Chocolate Brown:

If you prefer a more sombre, toned down appearance, this is for you. This color goes amazingly with a matching shade of the skin and can make you look very professional, yet it can make you stand out from the crowd.

  1. Burgundy:

Skin tone ranging anywhere between dark and medium can definitely go for this shade of hair. It works great if you want to give out a fresh and playful personality. In fact, men all over the world often go for this shade, all the time! It generally comes with a brownish tinge and that is why it complements the dark skin amazingly!

  1. Salt and Pepper:

You’re already thinking of Milind Soman, aren’t you? Well, I cannot blame you. In our personal opinion, we believe that this is probably the most appealing of all the colors you can go for as a dark-skinned man!