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Planning a visit to Kolkata? Check out this informative guide


Kolkata is a beauty to discover in itself and is a very beautiful city that you need to witness at least once in your lifetime. So, you must focus on packing your bags and booking your room in Taj Bengal Kolkata so that you can perfectly explore it like a pro and following are some of the best possible activities that you can easily carry out in this city: 

  1. Having breakfast in Chinatown: The Chinatown of Kolkata is one of the best possible places that you need to visit because primarily this is a fishing community area and seafood is the staple over here. You can easily witness a good number of fishermen who will be preparing their fish and meat to be sold out in the market and further, this is one of the best possible places to be covered so that you can easily enjoy the authentic Chinese dishes very successfully. This place is a truly out-of-the-world experience and itself and you must try the momos over here.
  2. Visiting the ancestral house of Swami Vivekananda: Another very important place that you need to cover in the city is to plan a visit to the Swami Vivekananda ancestral house. This place is a perfect opportunity to be witnessed in itself because it comes with a very relaxed atmosphere for everyone and you can easily spend a couple of hours over here so that you can take a guide through the house. In this place, you will be able to enjoy the peaceful vibePhosphate and it is important to note that photography is not allowed inside the house
  3. Visiting the old churches of the city: Another very important and beautiful activity you can carry out in the city of Kolkata is to plan a visit to the oldest surviving churches. Every church in the city comes with a very rich historical perspective of the past which provides you with significant insights into the best possible things. In this case, you can witness the beautiful churches of the city and witness the beauty of the products that were approved by the East India Company itself.
  4. Capturing the sun at the Belur Math: Another very iconic activity that you can carry out in the city of Kolkata is to capture the beautiful sunset. This place is perfectly devoted to Shri Ramakrishna and the monastery is a very beautiful architectural marble in itself. Visiting this place is worth it so that you can pay worship to the Lord and ultimately you can witness the beautiful sunset over here which makes it worth visiting
  5. Going for flower shopping: Another very interesting activity you can carry out in the city is to go flower shopping because the energy, in this case, will be very high and the flowers will provide you with the best possible benefits and experience of shopping. You can easily take bundles of flowers home and further in this case you will be able to enjoy a lot throughout the overall purchasing process. Views of the city from this place are very stunning and it is very much advisable for people to reach this place early in the morning to capture the rising sun 
  6. Visiting the Buddhist monastery: Another very beautiful activity you can carry out in the city is to plan a visit to the Buddhist monastery because this place has been built with the motive of spreading the teachings of Buddhism in India. This place includes stunning artifacts that will take you closer to the element of faith and if you are very much interested in attending the prayers people need to reach you between 5 AM – 6:30 AM and 5 PM – 6:30 PM. Maintaining the purity of this place is vital for people and everybody should focus on practices to be followed inside this premises.
  7. Planning a visit to the iconic Amitabh Bachchan Temple: India is the only nation across the globe that also has temples that have been dedicated to celebrities. Amitabh Bachchan temple is one of the iconic places to be covered in this city and the throne has been successfully provided with a pair of shoes from Agneepath. Planning to visit this place is worth it because this is a whole experience in itself and will provide you with a very unique experience 
  8. Visiting the iconic College Street: If you are a bookmark then definitely this particular list should be on the top of your bucket list because any walk through this street will give you the freedom to look at your favorite book options and further enjoy a lot at reasonable prices. In this case, people can plan a visit to the best possible places and eventually purchase their favorite books without any hassle at any point in time. 
  9. Exploring the town of Serampore: Another very beautiful activity that you can carry out in this case concerning art and architecture is to visit this town. This is a very quiet place and if you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of musicians terming the instrument then definitely you will be able to have the perfect experience of your lifetime. There is almost something poetic about this place and further you can plan a visit to this place to enjoy it a lot. Planning a visit to this place is worth it so that you can spend time in the peaceful atmosphere very successfully.
  10. Discovering the sculptures of the Komurtuli: This is a very interesting activity that you need to carry out in this city because it is an optimum combination of beauty with color and art that can never be expressed by words. Many arts are taking place in the city of Kolkata and through this you will have easy access to the vibrant neighbourhood. This street is home to hundreds of artists who can be witnessed over here and further you will be able to enjoy the real treat to your eyes in this case.

Hence, if you are the one who is interested in having a unique trip in the city of Kolkata then staying at the Taj Bengal Kolkata and planning a visit to the above-mentioned places is advisable so that everyone will be able to have the perfect traveling experience.