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Aryan Raj Singh Net Worth, Income In 2023


What is the net worth of Aryan Raj Singh [AIIMS D]?

Aryan Raj Singh [AIIMS D] is a popular Indian YouTube channel that has been running for seven years and currently boasts 465,000 + subscribers. It has uploaded 574 + videos since its inception.

Aryan Raj Singh Net Worth, Income In 2023

The networth of Aryan Raj Singh [AIIMS D]'s channel in 2023

Aryan Raj Singh's [AIIMS D] channel's total value is $52,714.

What is the income of Aryan Raj Singh [AIIMS D] from YouTube?

The following is an approximation of the amount of money that can be made from advertising on this channel, depending on the language, cost, and viewership. Daily earnings are estimated at $7, weekly at $48, monthly at $2,809, and yearly at $33,709.

The current statistics and income of Aryan Raj Singh's AIIMS D channel.

These are the figures for the past fortnight, broken down by day. The least amount of views per day was 102.02K, with the highest being 252.50K. Compared to the previous fortnight, there has been an average increment of 3.7% weekly and 14.9% monthly.


20 May $47
19 May $49
18 May $56
17 May $83
16 May $116
15 May $114
14 May $163
13 May $160
12 May $79
11 May $234
10 May $229
9 May $271
8 May $266
7 May $110
6 May $184