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Facts about Hiren Bhattacharya - assam's most loved poet

On the occasion of his birthday anniversary, we honor the memory of Hiren Bhattacharya, the contemporary poet who permanently altered the direction of Assamese poetry


You know

This poet has nothing more

Just this one shirt

Coming apart at the seams

Love also is perhaps like this

Unclothing itself to state the heart!

The simplest things in life can often be the most meaningful and beautiful, as life is ultimately comprised of basic elements such as a cherished loved one, the familiar scent of one's hometown, treasured memories, childhood experiences, family connections, falling leaves, water, and the vastness of the cosmos. Hiren Bhattacharya's poetry captures this sentiment through his use of local words and dialect to depict the uncomplicated aspects of life such as fields, patriotism, pain, and most importantly, love. The impact of his work resonates deeply within the hearts of readers.

What is it that burns in me

That swells

The agony and ecstasy my heart.

In all my senses

Hums the tune of your love

Burns intensely that

Saturates with ash!

Hiren Bhattacharya, also known as Hiruda, is a well-known poet in the Assamese literary world. His poems, which are concise and heavily influenced by rural life, have earned him the nickname "poet of Aromatic Butterflies." While some of his works touch on political themes, his poems on art, love, agony, and fear resonate most strongly with the people of Assam. Bhattacharya's poetry is beloved by many, and his two nursery rhymes, "Lora Dhemali" and "Akou Dhemali," are particularly popular in Assamese households.

Born in Jorhat, eastern Assam in 1932, Hiruda was primarily a poet and rarely ventured into other genres. His first poem was published in 1957, and his first collection of poems, Mur Desh Mur Premor Kobita, was released in 1972. He has published several anthologies of poetry, including Roudro Kamona (1972), Kobitar Rod (1976), Tomar Bahi, Xugondhi Pokhilaa (1981), Mor Desh Aru Mor Premor Kobita 1972, Bibhinno Dinor Kobita, Shoichor Pothar Manuh, Mur Prio Bornomala, Bhalpuwar Buka Mati, and Bhalpuwar Dikchou Batere.

Inside and out of my heart.

Maybe the colloquialism of your love,

Will incinerate me in a slow pace!

Due to his exceptional contributions to Assamese poetry, Hiren was honored with various awards, including the Bharatiya Bhasha Parishad Award, Bishnu Rabha Award, Rajaji Puroskar, Soviet Desh Neheru Award, Sahitya Akademi Award in 1992 for his poetry collection 'Saichor Pathar Manuh', and the Assam Valley Literary Award (Asom Upotyoka Sahitya Bota) in 2000. Despite his passing on July 4, 2012, Hiren Bhattacharya, the poet who indelibly etched the Assamese language onto the Indian literary landscape, will always live on in the hearts of his admirers, the speeches of politicians, the buzzing of bees, and the melodies of lullabies sung by mothers.

These my words.

In these my words that have caressed

The orchards of my dream

Is the grace of a lifestyle,

The intimate warmth of time.

I have no inventions of my own.

I am like a farmer,

I roll words on my tongue;

To see how each one tastes;

Hold them in my palms to see how warm.

I know words are the lusty offsprings of man’s noble creation;

A mere poet am I

In these words that I have relayed

From other shoulders

Is man’s cruel experience,

And the maulings of history

(Translation into English by Pradip Acharya)