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 Benefits And Facts About Eka Pada Pranamasana


eka pada pranamasana

Eka Pada Pranamasana translates to One-Foot Prayer Pose. This asana is also referred to by the name of Vrikshasana that translates to Tree Pose. Eka Pada Pranamasana is used to build better balance and strengthen muscles in the leg. The spiritual symbolism of this pose is to balance the feminine and masculine energies in the body. 

The steps to perform this asana are as follows: -

  • The first step is to stand up in a posture where your feet are aligned together and arms are parallel to the body.

  • The next step is to focus at any point in front of your eyes.

  • Now slowly start bending the right leg, grab your ankle firmly and then place it down on your inner left thigh.

  • The heel should be as close to your lower torso while still being in contact with the left inner thigh. The right knee should point out and away from the body.

  • After you feel that your body has balanced, slowly release your leg while maintaining the leg posture and join the palm of your hands in the pranam mudra (prayer position) and place them in front of your chest.

Benefits: - 

  • As mentioned earlier this asana increases physical balance.

  • It improves mental balance and focus.

  • It brings a sense of calmness both spiritually and physically. 

Cautions while performing this asana: - 

  • Although this asana is very safe to perform, it is still recommended for the newbies to perform it on a yoga mat to avoid injuries.

  • While performing this asana you should be aware that it is unhealthy to practise with a full stomach. You should practise yoga after 4-hours from your last meal.

  • Practise this asana in loose and comfortable clothing. Tight and firm clothes will disturb your focus and posture.


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