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Facts & Benefits Of Kumbhaka Pranayama


It's a simple breathing technique in which you hold your breath for a brief or lengthy period of time. You can use this helpful approach whenever you need to concentrate or relax.

Starting position :

  1. Conditioning can be done in Sukhasana or any other contemplative pose.
  2. Sit in a sturdy chair with an erect backrest if you can't sit on the floor.
  3. Maintain a straight body above the waist and a straight spine. Close your eyes.

Sequence of steps for Kumbhaka Pranayama:

  1. After a short exhale, begin inhaling deeply and regularly in one long, uninterrupted breath.
  2. Continue inhaling until you feel a sense of fullness in your chest.
  3. Keep the air you just inhaled for 10 seconds (preferably double the period of inspiration).
  4. Ensure that there is no excessive abdominal movement.
  5. The spine, head, and neck are kept erect while sitting.
  6. Make sure your facial muscles are relaxed and your nose isn't clogged.
  7. Inhalation is steady and rhythmic, with no jerks or breaks.
  8. Now exhale slowly and gently, avoiding any jerky or hurried movements.
  9. Relax by taking a few natural breaths.

Recommended practice:

  • Practice 5 rounds per session, with a breather in between rounds, on a daily basis.
  • Begin with a 5 second inhale followed by a 10 second retention. When practised regularly, gradually increase it by 1 second per week.
  • Practice without straining to a count that is comfortable for you.

Limitations /Contraindications:

  • Children under the age of 12 should not participate in sports.
  • In severe cardiac and hypertension conditions, it is not indicated.

Benefits of Kumbhaka Pranayama:

  1. Dead space air, residual air, and alveolar air have a hygienic effect.
  2. The air is well ventilated.
  3. Intra-thoracic and intra-pulmonary air pressures are improved.
  4. Increased carbon dioxide levels (due to retention) activate the respiratory centre in the brain, resulting in increased oxygen exchange.
  5. Improves health and concentration by increasing oxygenation.
  6. Reduces the workload on the circulatory system.