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How to Protect Skin and Hair From Holi Colours?


How to Protect Skin and Hair From Holi Colours?

Let’s prepare for a kaleidoscope of colours as Holi, the most colourful festival of the year is round the corner! As much as we are happy to play with colours, vibrant ones may be harmful to your hair making it dull and lifeless. However, it is possible to enjoy the joyous celebrations of Holi without ruining your hair. Having that perfect Holi hair care tip on your fingertips will ensure that your locks look great throughout the celebration period. That being said, sit tight as we take you through some pre-Holi and post-Holi hair care rituals that will leave you looking glamorous even after a colour-filled revelry.

Pre-Holi Prep:

Setting the Stage For a Colourful Adventure

Get Set Glow: When beginning your holi preparations, start by making some soothing face mask with hydrating and exfoliating scrub. By doing this, you can have a smooth and layer protected skin that will not react negatively as you soak in the colours.

Mane Protection: Protect your hair from being damaged by dry Holi colours by using indus valley growout hair oil treatments or hair masks, that helps in nourishment. Additionally, you can put on a tight bun or plait your hair so that it can absorb less colour.

Colour-Conscious Clothing:

Be Fashion Forward: If possible, then you must choose  light-coloured long-sleeved outfits made of breathable materials like cotton or linen. This will not only keep you cool during the whole festival day but also minimize the chances of staining your clothes.

Accessory Alert: Before getting into the holi adventure keep your sunglasses, hats and scarves while attending festivals to protect your eyes, face and hair from direct contact with colours.

The Colour Conundrum:

Choosing Safer and Skin-Friendly Colours For the Day!

Go Safe & Natural: If possible, you must try something different this holi by playing with natural holi colours such as turmeric powder, beetroot juice, sandalwood face pack powder, hibiscus powder and natural flower extracts. These colours are kinder on both your skin and hair since they don’t contain any harmful chemicals. You will not only enjoy the colour festival but also pamper your skin with these amazing natural colours.

DIY Delights: Be creative and come up with homemade holi colours from stuff available in your kitchen. Apart from fun, this ensures you know what goes into them.

War-Ready: Tips For Handling Colour Emergencies

Oil Up: Before getting into the adventure of holi, smear yourself with indus valley natural coconut oil or olive oil all over your face, body, hair and scalp; this will not only serve as a barrier but also makes it easier to wash the colour later.

Quick Fixes: Natural ways to remove stubborn stains following colour mishaps are lemon juice, yogurt and besan (gram flour) used on the skin and hair. You can also try a natural gel or lotion to get rid off the stain on your face and body.

Post-Holi Pampering: Reviving Your Skin and Hair

Play, Rinse and Repeat: After having a blast on holi, make sure to wash off the colours right after a few minutes with lukewarm water and a mild face wash. Follow up with a lotion or conditioner that will restore your lost moisture.

Spa Day: After a long tiring holi celebration you must have a spa day to relax your muscles and rejuvenate your skin as well as revitalize your hair. You might also want to try soothing facial masks or deep conditioning treatments right? You must try a hair spa at home so as to give it life again. It will not only provide nourishment to your hair but also gives an amazing relaxation to be all freshen up for the next day.

You can therefore enjoy an interesting, safe holi with these useful holi skincare and haircare tips for fun without worrying about how this will harm your skin or hair. Keep browsing for the wide range of Indus Valley Hair Care & Skincare products to get the natural beauty perks. Also let's be responsible in our celebrations ensuring joyous moments for all during Holi. Happy Holi!