Things You Should Know About Kite Flying Festival In India


The kite flying festival in India begins from mid January every year marking the arrival of the spring season and transition of the Sun into Makara Rashi. In many parts of our country, the festival of Makar Sankranti is celebrated as one of the major harvest festivals. Different parts have different meanings attached to the festival. People also exchange sweets and celebrate joyfully. 

There are many historical and cultural significance attached with the festival. It is worth witnessing mainly for two reasons. One, flying colourful kites with your friends and families on the rooftops under the warmth of the Sun. The joy of cutting each other's strings and just mesmerising. Also, to enjoy the fetival fully, people when organise competitions during this time. 

Also it is a tradition during this festival to offer Til-Gur ladoos to the loved ones. There is a saying in Marathi ‘Til-Gul ghya aani goad bol bola’, which means ‘have these Til-Gul sweets and speak sweet words’. The north of India along with Gujrat, Rajasthan and Mumbai celebrate this occasion very well. Jodhpur is a mesmerising place in itself but if you visit during this time, you will be aww-ed by the beautiful skies and the endless colourful kites. Just like that Udaipur is another place where the rooftops are filled with the smiles and excitement of people. Even Jaisalmer and Ahmedabad are no less during Makar Sakranti. 

We never want the happy moments to turn sour right? So let's talk about some precautions which must be taken during the festival. The strings of the manja can lead to cuts on the fingers if run through quickly as they are coated with abrasive substances. It is always better to wrap your fingers with thick clothes or wear cloth gloves to avoid such cuts. Also beware of your surrounds and make sureyou don't trip into the strings. Elders must be careful with the children as mostly kite flying in done in the terrace.