Top 5 Fruits And Vegetables Of Winter in India


Have a quick look at top 5 fruits and vegetables of winter in India

This vegetable has the highest amount of carotene when compared to other fruits and vegetables. In addition it is an amazing source for vitamin B, C, D, E and K. You can eat them raw or cook them as you wish.

This fruit is the best source of vitamin C and helps your body fight against germs and gives potassium, minerals, folate and fiber. Over all it is moo in calories.

All of us know that “An apple a day keeps the specialist away”. Well, you can have this fruit at reasonable cost amid winter and pick it as your midday snack and appreciate the benefits.

This is a root vegetable in estimate of an apple. It has a sweet taste and boring surface and contains fiber, folates, vitamins and minerals and the best turnips come in the showcase amid winter.

Mustard Leaves
This is a winter edit which is exceedingly nutritious. A few imperative cancer prevention agents, carotenes, vitamins and minerals are there in its new green takes off. Incorporate the goodness of this nourishment in your count calories this winter and get the benefits.