Top 10 Sanskrit Words With Deep Meaning In 2024


Agami (aah-GAH-mee)

Coming from Sanskrit verb agam which means “to return,” “impending future” or “to attain”. 
Agami is 1 of the 3 types of karma as laid in the Vedas of the ancient. It describes the power we hold in the present to bring about positive or negative subsequent outcomes for ourselves, through the decisions or actions we take in each current moment.

Aham Prema (ah-ham preh-MAH)
अहम् प्रेम

Coming from the Sanskrit, aham, which means “self;” and prema, meaning “universal love”.
A frequently honored mantra often interpreted as "I am divine love," aham prema prompts us that our genuine essence is love, benevolence, and serenity. It characterizes the divine ability to love boundlessly that resides within each of us.
The mantra is reputed to nurture untainted love that not just draws one nearer to others but also bolsters yogis on their journey to enlightenment.

Ahimsa (ah-HIMN-sah)

Derived from the Sanskrit himsa, which means “to cause suffering,” as well as the opposing prefix, a, meaning “not” or “un”. It can be said as non-violence.

Asana (uh-suh-nuh)

Directly interpreted as seat or posture. It is the Sanskrit term for yoga pose.
This word is used as a suffix to almost all yoga postures e.g. Tadasana, Savasana.
It is similarly the fourth part of Patanjali’s 8 Limbs Of Yoga.

Atman (at-man)

Atman is the self.
Non-dual teachings, like the Upanishads, regard as a component of Brahman (the universe, all that exists). Nevertheless, there are dualist schools of thought that perceive them as separate.

Avidya (uh-VIDH-yah)

Coming from vidya, which means “to understand”, “to know” as well as the negating prefix, a, meaning “not” or ‘’un’’ avidya can be interpreted as “ignorance”, “delusion”, “misunderstanding”.

Ayurveda (AYOOR-vey-thah)

Emerging from the Sanskrit ayur, signifying "life" or "daily living", and veda signifying "wisdom" or "knowledge", Ayurveda may be rendered as "wisdom for daily living".
Originating in India over 2000 years ago, Ayurveda is an ancient medical tradition rooted in the Doshas.
While scientific proof of the efficacy of ayurvedic methods varies, numerous individuals find Ayurveda's core lesson – to exist in harmony and comprehend your body and mind – to be exceedingly beneficial.

Bhakti Yoga (bha-kti yo-ga)
भक्ति योग

Also referred to as Bhakti Marga, Bhakti Yoga represents the yogic path of affection and devotion.
It is the path of altruistic love for the sake of love.
Bhakti yoga is engaged in through singing, chanting, prayer, or worship of a deity within the Hindu canon.

Bhavana (bha-vana)

Coming from the Sanskrit word bhava meaning  "cultivating" "becoming", or "development", bhavana denotes a meditative technique utilized to evoke specific qualities or states within the body.
Bhavana employs thought, visualization, and imagination to materialize a particular internal state, frequently employed to establish a mood for an individual or collective meditation session.

Bandha (bha-nda)

Bandhas, or 'locks', are energetic grips in the body intended to regulate the flow of pranic energy.
They are kriyas in Hatha Yoga, methods aimed at cleansing the body. They are viewed as internal mudras.