Top 5 Most Oxygen Producing Trees In India


 We all know the importance of oxygen. We can't live a single minute without oxygen. We never felt more need for oxygen than in the last two years. A lot of people died from the absence of proper oxygen deficiency. To increase oxygen in the air, we need to plant a lot of trees. And In this article, we are sharing with you some of the best oxygen-producing trees in India.

Top 5 Oxygen Producing Trees In India

1. Peepal Tree

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Commonly known as Peepul Tree or Pipal Tree. This tree can grow up to 60-80 feet tall. Peepal Tree is the most oxygen-producing Tree In India. This tree helps us to clear the air around it and make the air fresh and pollution-free.

2. Banyan Tree

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Banyan Tree also known as Vat or Badh. This is the national tree of India. This is one of the most oxygen-producing trees in India. The banyan tree is as big as the amount of oxygen it produces.

3. Neem Tree

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Commonly known as nimbly or limba. The neem tree has many benefits including that neem tree helps to refresh the air by absorbing CO2 from the air and by giving out O2. You just need to plant a good number of trees and then you can see the changes by yourself.

4. Ashok Tree

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Ashok Tree is also known as Sita Ashok or Achenge. The flowers of this tree are very beautiful and also have a nice fragment. This tree is not only going to increase the beauty of your surroundings but also improve the air. 

5. Curry Tree

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Also known as Neem Kauri or Mitho. We commonly use this in cooking for its fragrance. But this tree is also very very important to improve the air quality around them.