Fury Movie Director, Actor, Cast and Crew
"Fury," a war film from 2014, was written, directed, and co-produced by David Ayer. The movie stars Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal, who play an American tank crew battling in Nazi Germany during the closing weeks of World War II in Europe. Ayer's inspiration for the film stemmed from his family's military background and books like Belton Y. Cooper's 1998 memoir Death Traps, which details the significant casualties among American tank crews during their confrontations with more advanced German forces.
Filming commenced in the UK in early September 2013, starting in Hertfordshire and later moving to Oxfordshire, where the main production began on September 30, 2013. Additional scenes were shot in Oxford and other areas, with the filming concluding on November 13, 2013. "Fury" was released on October 17, 2014, to generally positive reviews, earning $211 million worldwide.
Plot Summary: In April 1945, as Allied forces push into Germany, they encounter fierce resistance. Don "Wardaddy" Collier, a seasoned staff sergeant in the U.S. 2nd Armored Division, leads a tank crew that includes gunner Boyd "Bible" Swan, loader Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis, driver Trini "Gordo" Garcia, and assistant driver/bow gunner "Red." The crew has been together since the North African campaign. After Red is killed in action, Private First Class Norman Ellison, a young typist with no combat experience, is assigned to replace him.
As the crew advances deeper into Germany, tensions rise due to Norman's inexperience and hesitation in battle. During a convoy, Norman fails to fire on a group of hidden Hitler Youth soldiers, leading to an ambush that destroys the lead tank and kills its crew. Don assumes command of the convoy. In a subsequent battle, Norman's hesitation under fire causes Don to force him to execute a captured German soldier, a moment that deeply traumatizes him.
The crew later captures the town of Kirchohsen, where Don and Norman find two German women, Irma and Emma, hiding in an apartment. After a meal together, Norman and Emma share a brief romantic encounter, encouraged by Don. However, the crew's arrival interrupts, causing tension. Soon after, they are called away on an important mission, and as they leave, German artillery strikes the town, killing Emma and leaving Norman devastated.
The tank crews are ordered to hold a crucial crossroads to protect their division's rear lines. En route, a lone German Tiger I tank ambushes and destroys three American tanks before Fury finally takes it down, but not without sustaining damage to its radio. Unable to call for reinforcements, Don decides to hold the crossroads alone. The crew agrees to stay with him, despite the overwhelming odds.
As they prepare for their final stand, they camouflage Fury to make it appear destroyed and lie in wait. During the battle, Grady is killed by a Panzerfaust, Gordo sacrifices himself by covering a grenade, and Bible is shot by a sniper. Don is wounded and retreats into the tank. Out of ammunition and surrounded, Norman contemplates surrendering, but Don urges him to escape through the floor hatch just before the Germans drop explosives into the tank, killing Don. Norman hides beneath the tank, where a young Waffen-SS soldier spots him but chooses to let him live.
The next morning, Norman reenters the tank, mourns Don's death, and covers his body with a coat, taking Don's pistol. He is eventually rescued by American soldiers who regard him as a hero. As he is driven away in an ambulance, Norman looks back at Fury, now surrounded by the bodies of countless fallen Waffen-SS soldiers.
- Brad Pitt as Don "Wardaddy" Collier (tank commander)
- Shia LaBeouf as Boyd "Bible" Swan (tank gunner)
- Logan Lerman as Norman "Machine" Ellison (tank assistant driver/bow gunner)
- Michael Peña as Trini "Gordo" Garcia (tank driver)
- Jon Bernthal as Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis (tank loader)
- Jason Isaacs as Captain Waggoner
- Brad Henke as Sergeant Davis
- Jim Parrack as Sergeant Binkowski
- Xavier Samuel as Lieutenant Parker
- Scott Eastwood as Sergeant Miles
- Kevin Vance as Sergeant Peterson
- Anamaria Marinca as Irma
- Alicia von Rittberg as Emma