Ashwin Singh Takiar Net Worth, Age, Wife, Business, Family In 2023


What is the net worth of ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR?

ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR has over 501.00K subcrribers on YouTube. It began 13 years ago and now has 309 videos posted.

ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR's channel has a net value of $188,605 as of May 27, 2023.

What does ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR earn from YouTube?

The average revenues from advertising on the channel are calculated below, based on language, pricing, and current audience.Daily








Current earnings and statistics for the ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR channel

Here are the statistics for the previous two weeks, split by days.

• During this time span, the lowest daily views are 52.74K, while the maximum daily views are 246.36K.

In comparison to the preceding period, we have an average weekly growth rate of 2.7% and a monthly growth rate of 10.6%.Stats

26 May


25 May


24 May


23 May


22 May


21 May


20 May


19 May


18 May


17 May


16 May


15 May


14 May


13 May


12 May


Forecast of next month's revenue

ASHWIN SINGH TAKIAR's net worth as of June 20, 2023 is $8,636.