Top Banana Face Packs That You Will Fall In Love With


Bananas are not just good for your health but can also do wonders for the skin. It is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients and makes the skin soft and glowing while fighting wrinkles and acne causing bacteria. You can make a variety of face masks with banana for your skins, let us talk about them today. 

For Oily Skin 

Ingredients -  ripe banana, cucumber and papaya


1. Blend 1/4th papaya, 1/4th peeled cucumber and half a peeled banana in a blender and make smooth paste.

2. Apply all over the face, neck and decolletage and leave it for 15 to 20 mins. 

3. Rinse with lukewarm water. 

This will now give you a glowing skin. 

For Pimples, Acne and Blemishes 

Ingredients - banana with peel, neem and turmeric 


1. Mash half a ripe banana with its peel and add 1 table spoon of neem paste which can be made by taking a handful of neem leaves and churning it in a blender. Then add 1/2 a spoon of turmeric powder and make a smooth paste. 

2. Apply it all over the face and neck area. 

3. Rinse it off with lukewarm water after some time. 

Bananas are very good for fighting pimples and acne due to its Vitamin A content. The neem and turmeric have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that are tremendously effective in curing acne and blemishes.

For Dry Skin 

Ingredients - banana and honey 


1. Mash half a banana and add 1 spoon of honey in it. 

2. Mix well and apply the paste to the face and neck area. (The purer the honey the better) 

3. keep it for 15 mins or longer depending on how dry the skin feels. 

4. Rinse it off with lukewarm or cold water. 

It is one of the simplest packs with a lot of benefits from hydrating the skin to making it glow and shine. 

For Dark Spots

Ingredients - banana, chickpea flour and lemon 


1. Mix half a ripe banana with 1 spoon besan and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Do not use excess of lemon juice as it can be irritating for the skin. 

2. Mix well and add a few drops of water if it feels dry. 

3. Apply it all over the face and rinse it off after 15 mins. 

Lemon and besan is a match from heaven, they have a lot of benefits. Adding banana to it makes the dark spots lighter just after a few washes.