Top Potato Face Packs for Skin Brightening


Women’s face so many skin issues in today’s time. Some of the major problems are acne, extra dry flakiness, hyperpigmentation, etc. The reason behind all of this is climatic change, pollution, sun rays and others. Every girl wants to have a glowing skin but due to lack of proper diet and other adverse changes in the surrounding we have to suffer a lot of skin problems.

One of the best home remedies to solve our skin issues is applying potato face pack. Potato is not only the perfect event snack but also an amazing ingredient for a face pack. It contains Vitamin C, B1, B3 and B6 and various other minerals like magnesium, potassium and antioxidants which help us to get clear, glowing skin. It also helps to remove ugly marks and blemishes.

Some of the best potato based face packs to tackle hyperpigmentation are:

  1. Potato Juice and Honey Pack

We have to mix potato juice and honey together and blend it properly. Apply this mask for 15 to 20 minutes and it works the best when applied daily.

  1. Potato and Rice Flour Pack

Mix potato juice, rice flour, lemon juice and honey all together and blend it nicely. The face pack contains rich amount of vitamin C and applying thick paste on our face for 15 to 20 minutes will surely give best results. We can apply it twice a week for faster results.