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Suraj Bhuvaji Official Net Worth & Earnings from You Tube in 2022

Suraj Bhuvaji

Suraj Bhuvaji is an official You Tube channel from an unknown country. We have no clue from which country Suraj belongs. He has uploaded a total of 127 videos in his channel. The total views of all his videos is around 20.6 million. He has a total of 83.4 thousand subscribers. The channel was officially launched on January, 2017.

Suraj Bhuvaji Official Net Worth is around $34,741.

Last 30 days earnings is approximately $389 - $1204.

The average earnings per video of Suraj Bhuvaji official is around $158 to $487 and their estimated net worth is between $14.6 thousand and $38.6 thousand. The net worth in You Tube is calculated on multiple factors such as monthly views, country, subscribers and user engagement. His monthly earnings is around $313 from their You Tube channel.