Suraj Bhuvaji Official Net Worth & Earnings from You Tube in 2022
Suraj Bhuvaji is an official You Tube channel from an unknown country. We have no clue from which country Suraj belongs. He has uploaded a total of 127 videos in his channel. The total views of all his videos is around 20.6 million. He has a total of 83.4 thousand subscribers. The channel was officially launched on January, 2017.
Suraj Bhuvaji Official Net Worth is around $34,741.
Last 30 days earnings is approximately $389 - $1204.
The average earnings per video of Suraj Bhuvaji official is around $158 to $487 and their estimated net worth is between $14.6 thousand and $38.6 thousand. The net worth in You Tube is calculated on multiple factors such as monthly views, country, subscribers and user engagement. His monthly earnings is around $313 from their You Tube channel.